Fees Schedule

Valid Medicare / DVA card holders

The GPs at this practice bulk bill Medicare or DVA card holders for non-procedural consultations.

Allied health providers bulk bill Medicare or DVA card holders with valid EPC or mental health plans

Surgery and procedures attract non-rebatable fees for Medicare or DVA card holders.

Consul level Fees Medicare rebate Gap
IUD insertion 235 75.05
(item: 35503)
IUD removal 150 80.10
(item 36)
Implanon insertion 150 80.10
(item 36)
Implanon removal 220 56.86
(item 30062)

Minor procedure: $100-$400 , Medicare rebate between $53 and $174 (Consult GP for fees)

Newborn consultation

The Practice holds newborn accounts for mothers who are regular patients and Medicare/DVA card holders for the first 3 month since DOB. If the new Medicare card is not ready after 3 months, then the private patient fees schedule is applied.

Non-Medicare / DVA services

The following non-Medicare service attracts non-rebatable fees:

Service Fees
Driver license heath check $110
Employment health check $110
Centrelink forms $110
Commission housing forms $150
Other forms (per 10 minutes) $60
Medical record email transfer $40
Iron Infusion $110
Acceptable payment methods

Fees are payable at the time of consultation cash or debit/credit card.

GP private patients

Private patients without  Medicare or DVA cards or with expired cards, or with private fund attract fees as per Practice fees schedule.

Consul level Fees* Private fund rebate Gap
Standard $65 41.40
(item 23)
Long $110 81.10
(item 36)
Prolonged $160 118
(item 44)
IUD insertion $235 75.05 (item: 35503) 160.35
IUD removal $150 80.10
(item 36)
Implanon insertion $150 80.10
(item 36)
Implanon removal $220 56.86
(item 30062)

*Full fees are payable on the consultation date
Minor procedure: $150-$450  (Consult GP for fees)

Allied health/Nurse private patient

These services are applicable to patients without a valid Medicare rebatable GP management plan or mental health plan, and are also available to eligible holders of private health insurance who may be able to reimburse a portion of the fees.

Service Fees
Psychologist consultation $150
Dietician service $80
Physiotherapy $80
Injection by the Nurse $20
Vaccination catch-up plan $80
Workcover / CTP Claims

Workcover or CTP consultations or reports writing are billed to the insurance company for patients with valid claim number, otherwise the patient is charged based on the Workcover fees schedule.

Reference SIRA Rates for General Practitioners